Get Out & Dew Good Winners
Recognizing the Winning Nominees
We teamed up with Mtn Dew to honor six exceptional individuals throughout the year with a $500 prize pack for each. The following individuals are DEW-gooders who are making a difference in their communities. See who's won so far.

Rockville, MN
Rockville, MN
Frank is an 84-year-old resident of Rockville, MN and has spent his life volunteering. He and his wife Janet work tirelessly at the local food shelf making sure no one goes hungry. In addition, the last few years they have also headed up a holiday gift program providing people in need with gift cards and toys for their children.
Frank is a charter member of the Rockville Lions club, that he and members of the community founded in 1976. Anytime there is a community project Frank is the first to volunteer. He also volunteers at the Rockville church, including removing snow off the steep roof, or anything else that needs to be done.

Duluth, MN
Duluth, MN
Kim’s nominator said she could light the way through Eli Peaks cave with her radiance. For approximately 10 years, Kim has volunteered her own resources and time every other week to purchase, prepare, and serve 80 plus underprivileged African American youths at the Washington Youth center in Duluth. Kim works at an accounting firm plus finds time to give with no strings attached and probably very little thanks.
When Kim saw a department store was having a close out sale on all sizes winter jackets, she bought more than 30 jackets to drop off for kids at the center. Selfishly treat yourself to five minutes with Kim you will surely leave with a better understanding of her glow, how kindness makes a difference, and you will probably gain a new friend or at least leave with a warm hug.

St. Cloud, MN
St. Cloud, MN
Arvis is the founder of Socks from the Soul. Since 1998, she has been delivering hope with a smile in the form of socks, gloves, and mittens to many communities in Central Minnesota. Her focus has been on the homeless community and those in recovery. She is well known for her drive-by blessings as well as her sock wrapping holiday parties which promote community engagement for all ages. Arvis will help anyone in need.
She is also CEO of Tarte's Toiletries, a light that came from the passing of her beloved daughter Tarte in June 2019. She distributes toiletries year around to Veterans, treatment centers, and children of our community. Arvis serves her community with love to let people who may usually go unseen know that they have hope.

Annandale, MN
Annandale, MN
Nick is a leader in the Annandale Lions Club volunteering countless hours to help support the community. From bringing in new members, building flower planters for the senior center, grilling burgers at the local fair, volunteering to be our local Santa and participating in countless other charitable events, Nick is always the first to lend a hand or support.
Nick is also highly involved with his son Brady’s MN Blind Hockey team and organization helping to organize events and elevate the awareness of adaptive hockey programs. He’s also that guy that just goes and plows a driveway or pulls you out of the ditch. Wherever Nick is you can count on him Dewing good!

Duluth, MN
Duluth, MN
Pam performs many small acts of kindness each year in the local community.
She is an animal lover who will always stop to help an animal in need. When she hears a call from someone in need, she is often the first to brainstorm an idea of how to help.
From collecting school supplies for local children to collecting hats or other supplies for local cancer patients, Pam always seeks a way to help others within the community.
She hosts an annual event called "Light Duluth Purple" to raise awareness about pancreatic cancer. This cause has been near and dear to her heart since she lost her father to the disease in 2016. Over the years, the event has grown, and the connections made have inspired her to keep going and spreading awareness.
Pam is a driven and hardworking woman. She is a wonderful mother of three and an incredible grandmother to her two grandchildren. She inspires us all to Dew better and be a good human each day.

Duluth, MN
Duluth, MN
Besides having been a teacher for 45 years, Bev has spent her life volunteering.
Bev keeps a master list of events and organizations she volunteers at each year. During the spring she organizes a spring clean-up around her neighborhood north of Duluth. During the school year she volunteers at the local schools by reading and helping in the classroom with activities the teachers have for her to do. Year-round Bev helps head the St. John's church group of women that volunteer during funerals by serving meals and cleaning and decorating the church before and after the service.
During the Summer Bev has volunteered with Grandma's Marathon for at least 5+ years passing out packets for the runners. She also volunteers packet pick up for the August triathlon in Duluth each Summer and the Inline Marathon. It's her personal goal to find at least a few volunteer opportunities a year. She believes that giving back to the community is the secret to a long and healthy life.