How to Create Convenience Stores in Hotels Using PICO Markets

Creating convenience stores in hotels using PICO (Person In Charge Of) markets involves careful planning, setup, and customization to ensure that the convenience store experience is seamlessly integrated into the hotel environment.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this.

1. Identify Target Locations

Determine the best locations within the hotel to set up PICO markets. These locations should be easily accessible to guests and strategically placed in areas with high foot traffic, such as lobbies, near conference rooms, or in close proximity to guest rooms.

2. Define Product Selection

Curate a diverse selection of products that cater to the needs and preferences of hotel guests. This can include snacks, beverages, fresh foods, toiletries, travel essentials, and local specialty items. Consider offering a mix of healthy options and indulgent treats.

3. Choose PICO Market Solutions

Select PICO market solutions that align with the hotel's requirements. Consider factors such as the size of the market, the capacity to hold products, touchscreen interface features, and payment options (credit cards, mobile payments, etc.).

4. Customize User Interface

Customize the digital interface of the PICO markets to reflect the hotel's branding, design aesthetics, and user experience. Ensure that the interface is user-friendly and intuitive for guests to navigate and make selections.

5. Install PICO Markets

Set up the PICO markets in the designated location(s). Ensure that the installation is well-planned, secure, and complements the hotel's overall ambiance. Work with technicians to ensure proper electrical connections, connectivity, and placement.


6. Product Display & Organization

Carefully arrange products within the PICO markets to optimize visibility and accessibility. Group similar items together, provide clear labels and images, and consider using signage to highlight special promotions or local products.

7. Pricing and Payment

Set appropriate pricing for the products offered in the PICO markets. Ensure that the payment methods available, such as credit cards and mobile payments, are convenient and secure for guests.

8. Monitoring and Maintenance

Implement an inventory management system to monitor stock levels and ensure products are consistently replenished. Schedule (and conduct!) regular maintenance checks to ensure that the PICO markets are functioning smoothly.

9. Marketing & Promotion

Promote the availability of PICO markets to guests through in-room materials, digital signage, and hotel communications. Highlight the convenience, variety, and 24/7 access that PICO markets offer.

10. Staff Training

Train hotel staff on the location and operation of PICO markets so they can assist guests with any questions or issues. Staff should also be knowledgeable about product offerings and promotions.

11. Guest Feedback and Continuous Improvement

Encourage guest feedback regarding the PICO market experience. Use this feedback to make improvements, adjust product offerings, and enhance the overall convenience store experience.

12. Sustainability Considerations

Consider environmentally friendly practices such as offering reusable containers, reducing packaging waste, and incorporating locally sourced or sustainable products.

By following these steps, hotels can successfully create convenience stores using PICO markets that enhance the guest experience, align with the hotel's brand, and provide added convenience and value to their visitors.

How Are PICO Markets Beneficial?

PICO markets offer several distinct benefits when compared to traditional convenience stores. These benefits stem from their automated nature, customization options, and enhanced user experience.

Here's an easy comparison of the advantages of PICO markets over traditional convenience stores within your hotel setting.

Key Features

PICO Markets

Traditional Convenience Stores

Convenience & Accessibility 

PICO markets are conveniently located within specific settings such as workplaces, hotels, or schools, allowing easy access for the target audience. They offer 24/7 availability, providing users with access to products at any time of the day or night.

Convenience stores have fixed operating hours, limiting accessibility to specific times of the day.

Users may need to travel to find a convenience store, which can be less convenient, especially during late hours.

Reduced Staffing Requirements 

PICO markets operate with minimal staffing or even without on-site staff, reducing labor costs for businesses. Automated systems handle inventory management, payment processing, and other operational tasks.

Traditional stores require staff for customer service, checkout, and restocking, which can lead to higher labor expenses.

Customization of Product Offerings

PICO markets can be customized to offer a tailored selection of products that cater to the preferences and needs of the specific location and audience.

Operators can curate a mix of traditional snacks, healthier options, and specialty items.

Convenience stores typically have a predefined set of products, and customization options may be limited based on available shelf space.

Tech-Savvy Experience 

PICO markets often feature touchscreens and digital interfaces, providing a modern and interactive shopping experience. Users can easily browse products, view images, and access information about items before making a purchase.

Traditional stores might not offer the same level of interactive and tech-savvy shopping experience as PICO markets.

Space Efficiency

PICO markets come in various sizes, allowing businesses to set up automated retail solutions in smaller spaces without the need for extensive shelving

Convenience stores require physical space for shelves, refrigerators, and displays, which might limit their location options.

Lower Overhead Costs 

PICO markets generally have lower overhead costs as they require minimal physical infrastructure and fewer operational expenses.

Traditional stores have higher overhead costs associated with rent, utilities, maintenance, and staffing.

Health & Safety Considerations 

PICO markets can offer contactless payment options, reducing the need for physical interactions during transactions, which can be important for health and safety.

Traditional stores involve more face-to-face interactions during checkout and interactions with staff.


PICO markets offer advantages over traditional convenience stores in terms of accessibility, staffing requirements, customization, technology integration, space efficiency, overhead costs, and health and safety considerations. These benefits contribute to a more modern, efficient, and convenient shopping experience for consumers.

How Can You Automate Your Hotel Convenience Store?

The power of automation can indeed be a game changer for a hotel's convenience store, transforming the shopping experience, enhancing operational efficiency, and elevating guest satisfaction. Automation technology brings a range of benefits that can significantly impact the way a hotel's convenience store operates and serves its guests. Automation requires less physical space compared to traditional convenience stores, allowing hotels to make the most of their available areas—no matter if it’s ample or restricted.

Enhanced Guest Experience

Automation enables round-the-clock access to the convenience store, providing guests with the flexibility to shop at any time, including outside regular store hours. Automated checkout processes, such as self-service kiosks or mobile payments, expedite transactions, reducing waiting times and improving overall guest satisfaction. Automation can tailor the shopping experience by offering personalized recommendations based on guest preferences, previous purchases, and trends. The convenience and efficiency of an automated convenience store leave a positive impression on guests, encouraging them to return for future stays. An automated convenience store can become a unique selling point, setting the hotel apart from competitors and attracting tech-savvy travelers.

Efficient Inventory Management

Automated systems monitor inventory levels in real-time, triggering alerts when stock is running low. This minimizes stockouts and ensures products are consistently available. Automation technology helps in maintaining optimal stock levels, reducing waste and improving inventory turnover. Looking for sales trends and analytical insight? You got it. Automation generates valuable data on customer behavior, preferences, and buying patterns. These insights enable data-driven decision-making and marketing strategies. As demand grows, automated systems can easily handle increased customer traffic and expanded product offerings.

Streamlined Ops

Automation reduces the need for extensive staffing in the convenience store, leading to cost savings in terms of salaries and benefits. Staff members can redirect their efforts toward assisting guests, providing a higher level of customer service, and attending to more complex tasks. Automation speeds up the checkout process, allowing guests to quickly complete their purchases and move on to other activities; it also ensures consistent service quality and product availability, regardless of staffing changes or variations in employee performance.

Reputable PICO Provider

As a dedicated automated retail installer, the distribution company that works specifically on overhauling or reimagining hotel convenience stores, Bernick’s understands the position you’re in. You know your business better than anyone, we know the impetus to perform on behalf of those you serve. PICO markets are revolutionizing service and making the modern necessities of convenience and choice even easier for individuals to enjoy.

Automate Your Hotel’s Convenience Store Offerings

Now, perhaps more than ever, automation has the potential to revolutionize a hotel's convenience store by elevating guest experiences, optimizing operations, and aligning with modern expectations. The combination of convenience, efficiency, and a tech-savvy image positions the hotel as a forward-thinking establishment that prioritizes guest comfort and satisfaction.

Talk to a PICO Market Specialist


Published on: Dec 27, 2023

Topics: PICO Markets

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